Thursday, December 2, 2021

Dresses Worn by the "First Ladies" of the White House....1937

This paper doll book was published in 1937 by The Saalfield Publishing Co. as #2164 , with illustrations drawn by Maybelle Mercer. 

Four dolls were provided to use as models for the dresses worn by First Ladies and other daughters or friends who filled the hostess position for the presiding presidents. Most of the dresses were worn at the Presidential Inauguration Ball.

This book is unique in that not only does it show a detailed picture of the dress, on most of the dresses it also gives a description as to fabric, cut of the dress design and other embellishments. 

Published in 1937, the parade of dresses ends at that year with a dress worn by Eleanor Roosevelt at her husband's first inauguration. 

Descriptions of some of the dresses are provided here. Dresses are shown in no particular order.

LEFT: Edith Roosevelt, wife of Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909

RIGHT: Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, 1797-1801,
in a gown of heavy Canton crepe with a deep row 
of heavy Chinese embroidery.

LEFT: Elizabeth Monroe, wife of James Monroe, 1817-1825

RIGHT: Martha Washington, wife of George Washington, 1789-1797, 
in a hand-painted gown of salmon colored silk with wild 
flowers and insects in the design along with green jewels.

LEFT: Mary Harrison McKee, daughter of Benjamin Harrison, 1892-1893

RIGHT: Martha Johnson Patterson, daughter of Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869
in an evening wrap called a "burnoose" made of 
white camel hair cloth trimmed with gold braid and tassels. 

LEFT: Julia Tyler, wife of John Tyler 1844-1845

RIGHT: Abigail Fillmore, wife of Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853,
in a dress of lavender silk trimmed with a flowered flounce 
of the same color, the basque draped with a white fichu.

LEFT:  Ida McKinley, wife of William McKinley, 1897-1901
in a gown of heavy cream satin trimmed with point lace 
with the skirt open over a panel beaded with pearls.

RIGHT:  Sarah Van Buren, daughter in law of Martin Van Buren, 1939-1841

LEFT:  Jane Findlay, foster mother of Willam Henry Harrison's daughter in law, 1841

RIGHT:  Julia Grant, wife of Ulysses Grant, 1869-1877,
in a gown of silver white brocade with a cape of point lace.

LEFT:  Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of Franklin Roosevelt, 1933-1945

RIGHT:  Ellen Wilson, first wife of Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1914,
in a gown of chenille brocade draped over a lace skirt 
ending in a swallow tail train, the waist adorned 
with rhinestones and strings of pearls. 

LEFT:   Grace Coolidge, wife of Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929, 
in a gown of American Beauty velvet typical of the short skirt period.

RIGHT:  Helen Taft, wife of William Howard Taft, 1909-1913

LEFT:  Harriet Johnston, niece of James Buchanan, 1857-1861,
this gown of white moire silk with a tabbed hem 
was actually her wedding gown.

RIGHT: Lou Hoover, wife of Herbert Hoover, 1929-1933

LEFT:  Mary McElroy, sister of Chester A. Arthur, 1881-1885

RIGHT:  Lucretia Garfield, wife of James Garfield, 1881, 
 in a lavender satin gown.

LEFT:  Florence Harding, wife of Warren G Harding, 1921-1923,
in white satin heavily embroidered with pearls, crystals and rhinestones.

RIGHT:  Caroline Harrison, wife of Benjamin Harrison, 1889-1892

LEFT:  Edith Wilson, 2nd wife of Woodrow Wilson, 1915-1921, 
in a black velvet gown trimmed with jet beads.

RIGHT:  Sarah Jackson, daughter in law of Andrew Jackson, 1836-1837

LEFT:  Louise Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829

RIGHT:  Betty Bliss-Dandridge, daughter of  Zachary Taylor, 1849-1850,
in a gown of green silk grenadine trimmed with Scotch plaid.

LEFT:  Mary Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865,
in a gown of royal purple velvet, with the basque 
and gored skirt piped in white. 

RIGHT:  Martha Randolph, daughter of Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809

LEFT:  Frances Cleveland, wife of Grover Cleveland, 1886-1889 & 1893-1897.
in a gown of heavy Nile green silk brocaded in pink roses 
with bodice and girdle of rose velvet.

RIGHT:  Dorothy Madison, wife of James Madison, 1809-1817

LEFT:  Emily Donelson, wife of Andrew Jackson's nephew, 1829-1836, 
in a lacy white gown, the basque of gold cloth embroidered 
with pink flowers, and clusters of artificial flowers on tiered skirt 
and at the neck softly draped in white tulle.

RIGHT:  Maria Gouverneur, daughter of James Monroe, 1817-1825

LEFT:  Jane Pierce, wife of Franklin Pierce, 1853-1857, 
in a gown of black tulle embroidered in silver dots.

RIGHT:  Sara Polk, wife of James Polk, 1845-1849

Lucy Hayes, wife of Rutherford Hayes, 1877-1881,
in a gown of gold brocade and cream colored satin.