Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Brand New Baby

Baby themed paper dolls have always been popular with little girls...
and I had this set that was published by Saalfield in 1951. 
 I remember loving the clothes that were included with these cute little babies.

There were five babies...with a set of twins on the cover...Jerry and Babette...

Jerry came with a sleepy gown and sweater set....

a baptismal gown, a hoodie snow suit, a little green coat and a PINK suit.

His twin, Babette, had a little pink dress to match Jerry's suit,
and her sleepy gown also matched Jerry's...

as well as her coat, her baptismal gown and hoodie snowsuit.
I always dressed them alike.

In addition to Jerry and Babette, there are Lou, Sue and Tommy.

Lou was always a good little baby when we played....

and she was pretty and sweet in any of the clothes she was dressed in.

Sue was lively and made lots of goo-goo sounds in her little yellow sleeper.

She also had a baptismal gown and a snow suit...with legs and mittens!

Tommy was an active baby with chubby legs.  
I always thought his purple coat was a little too "girlie" for him. 

He also had a baptismal gown and a snow suit with legs...

...and here they are, all ready for sleepy-time!


  1. These wee babes remind me of the rhyme my mum used to gingle to me:
    "Fudge fudge, call the judge. Momma's got a brand new baby...
    Not a girl and not a boy, just a plain, ordinary, baby."
    I think she learned it from her mum (who is 103 and live in Utah now).
    Sweet little paper dollies...

  2. And your little jingle reminds me of what my little nephew asked me when he saw my little daughter 41 years ago... "Is that baby going to be a girl or boy?"
